CV/Interview Preparation Services


CV Design

Be confident that your CV represents you in the best possible way, includes all vital information, and is professionally presented.

We will make sure your CV is comprehensive and informative, detailing all your experience – and laid out in a professional, reader-friendly way. We will work with you on a one-to-one basis, discuss your education, experience, skills and competencies – and translate this into a professional template CV. We may find it is important to create more than one CV, so that we can tailor your details to specific industries or role types. We will also design the all-important cover letter for you.

This service is available at a cost of €60

Interview Skills

We will work with you, on a one-to-one basis, to help you prepare for your interview. We will coach you on the best and most effective interview techniques and provide you with the necessary skills. We’ll lead you through the interview process and identify areas for improvement, helping you give clearer, more accurate answers. We’ll also take you through a role-play practice interview, provide guidance on frequently asked questions, and make sure you are familiar and confident with different interview formats and styles.

This service is available at a cost of €250
Are You an Employer?

Get In Touch

Whatever your industry sector or job vacancy, and whether a role is full, part-time or flexible – we are here to make sure you can access the very best, qualified, experienced candidates.

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